My Friends Thought I was Crazy
The year was 1983 and I was a one man lab living in the country on a 90 acre farm. I had a vision that I could build a dental dynasty in the wilderness of Willow Springs, Missouri so I purchased the PTC System. If I remember correctly the system cost somewhere near $24,000. Back then that was the cost of a brand new Corvette.
As I look back, maybe I was a little crazy, but I was willing to take a chance on what I believed in, and I believed that you could train anyone with reasonable intelligence to be a dental technician if you had the right system. I believed that PTC was the way to see my vision become a reality.
Sure, I had heard that PTC was only for large labs but I just figured it would also work in reverse so I bought it to become a large lab. It turns out I never made it to the Dynasty level, but I did make it to the successful level.
Over the next 20 years with PTC I built several respectable small and medium size labs in three states, trained scores of technicians and influenced several friends and their relatives to become dental technicians; two of which bought PTC Systems themselves.
PTC Today
Today, those VHS programs I bought in 1983 have been completely redone and placed on high definition DVDs. That is not the only thing that has changed. Now there are $199.00 TechBooks and even $49.00 online training courses teaching anatomy and the simple PTC step by step procedures, priced for any technician wanting to improve their technique, quality, and productivity.
There are TechMaster modules for establishing affordable technician training programs that include Manuals, DVDs and tools for less than $1,000 each. And for the visionary, the world renowned, Training and Verification System that includes 4-day hands-on training courses, learning drills, personalized course guides, and PTC certification, plus the benefit of the total training experience that PTC has acquired in nearly 30 years.
As a long time lab owner and the Director of Training and Education for PTC the last 8 years I have learned the true value of PTC training. I have seen it enhance lives, influence careers, and change the course of dental laboratory businesses big and small around the world.
The Price of Genius
As it turns out, maybe I wasn’t that crazy in 1983. Looking back, maybe I was a visionary, perhaps a pioneer… I would like to think that. One thing is for sure, knowing what I know now about PTC I can say that anyone who does today what I did back then should be considered down right genius.
If you have considered PTC in the past but were not sure it was for you or whether you could afford it, call us. We have an affordable personal or business success solution for every individual and every laboratory.
Now, all the benefits of PTC are available to anyone who has visions of building a Dynasty, and it doesn’t cost the price of a new Corvette.
All the Best,
Jim Mahan, CDT
President and CEO
About the Author