
PTC and the CDT Exam

PTC and the CDT Exam

Have you considered becoming a Certified Dental Technician (CDT)?

I had been thinking it over for a while before I made the commitment earlier this year. The CDT program is a certification program facilitated by the National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology (NBC), an independent certification organization, which was founded by the National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL) in 1955. The certification process requires successful completion of 3 exams: a written comprehensive, a written specialty and a specialty practical exam.

I recently took both the comprehensive and specialty (written) exams, and passed. This feat could not have been accomplished without PTC (training). I’d like to share a little about the experience, and how useful PTC training and materials are to CDT exam preparation.

Though I have chosen Ceramics as my area of specialty, regardless of the area of specialty, the written comprehensive exam consists of 160 questions about every specialty area of the dental lab, including but not limited to:

  1. Crown & Bridge
  2. Ceramics
  3. Partial Dentures
  4. Complete Dentures, and
  5. Orthodontics.

I went into the fixed crown & bridge portion with confidence, thanks to my PTC training and previous experience. This training provided me with a solid foundation in dental laboratory technology. The vocabulary that is taught in the PTC programs is essential, and the standard procedures are irreplaceable. Though each of the PTC modules has been key to my test prep; I would have been lacking without the hands-on application experience that a PTC hands-on, technical course provides.

Considering my lack of technical experience as a removable technician, I was less confident about the Dentures portion of the test (which the test does not skimp on, by the way). In addition to a manual recommended by the NADL, I relied heavily upon my PTC Creating Natural Dentures (CND) material. The Oral Anatomy and Physiology portion of CND is invaluable, and may be found not only in any of the CND training modules, but as a separate online training course.

The essential vocabulary I previously mentioned may be acquired through many of our products, including:

The hands-on experience may be acquired by registering for one of our upcoming technical courses.

If you are considering becoming a Certified Dental Techncian, and are looking for materials to aid in your preparation, you are in the right place. Let PTC help you, as it has helped me.


About the Author


  1. Robert  April 11, 2013

    Where can I find practice exam for crown and bridge?

    • Tina Hoy  June 13, 2013

      Hi, Robert. Thanks for your inquiry regarding practice exams. In reference to the written CDT exams, you will find practice exams available in an online study guide format at: Click on Certification at the top of the page, then click on CDT/RG online study system. You will also find Practical Exam Work Visual Reference Guides at the NADL online store. This tab is at the top of the home page right next to the Certification tab. Best of luck to you!

  2. Kristy Dodd  June 5, 2013

    I am looking for a training DVD the NBC sold about 15 yrs ago. It’s a practice test DVD that had all the question and multiple choice answers on it . It helped me with my written tests when I got my license. Now a Freind of mine needs it but our lab misplaced the DVD and the NBC no longer sales it. If you know how I can get a copy I would be very grateful. Thank you !

    • Tina Hoy  June 13, 2013

      Hi, Kristy. Thanks for your inquiry. Though the DVD you are referring to is unavailable, the NADL has an online study system available. It includes study questions that may be used on the written CDT exams. You may find more information at: Click on Certification at the top of the page, then click on CDT/RG online study system. Wishing your friend the best of luck!

  3. Saeed  June 29, 2013

    Hi, how can i get a international certification about anterior & posterior porcelain if you know please tell me where can i get that training course & how can i register because i live in iran & i want to take part in to this training course because i want to be up to date.
    Thank you very much

  4. JUAN Chanove  October 5, 2013

    HI Tina;
    My name is Juan I am would like to take the ceramic CDT practical exam . Could you tell where can I go to practices for the exam?


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